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Daniela Ana

Dr. Daniela Ana

Dr. Daniela Ana

Personal details

Publications and Presentations

Articles (peer-reviewed)

(2024) Nature’s value: Evidencing a Moldovan terroir through scientific infrastructures. Ethnos 89 (2): 237-252.

; (2024) After Arbeitsschutzkontrollgesetz: Strikes and organic intellectuals in the German meat industry. South East Europe Review (SEER): Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe 26 (2): 227-248.

; (2023) After Arbeitsschutzkontrollgesetz. Strikes and organic intellectuals in the German meat industry. Romanian Sociology Review 21 (1): 93-113.

(2023) Wine as a “Cultural Product”? Ethnographic notes on work and nationhood in the Republic of Moldova. Comparative Southeast European Studies 71 (4): 565-584.

(2021) Politics, Markets and Wine: Indexing post-Cold War Tensions in the Republic of Moldova. Ethnologie Francaise 2021/3 (Vol. 51) No. 1: 535-547.


(2022) Wine is Our Bread: Labour and Value in Moldovan Winemaking. London: Berghahn Books.

Contributions to anthologies

; (2023) Living, not leaving the village: Place attachment and rural livelihoods in the Republic of Moldova. In: International Scientific-Practical Conference "Economic growth in the conditions of globalization", 17th Edition, October 12-13, 2023 : Conference proceedings Volume I (Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării Ediția 17, Volumul I, 2023), 219-230: Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova.

(2022) Gifts that pay for themselves. In: Wine and the Gift: From Production to Consumption 1, 142-153: Routledge UK.

Further Publications

(2022) Antropologie în vie: muncă și valoare în vinificația moldovenească (Anthropology in the vineyard: labour and value in Moldovan winemaking).


; (2024) Cultivating trust: Labor unions and Romanian migrant workers in the German meat industry. SNAKLAB Lecture Series, Regensburg, Deutschland.

; (2023) Living, not leaving the village: Place attachment and rural livelihoods in the Republic of Moldova. EEGA Annual Conference 2023 – „Beyond the collapse: Globalization projects in Eastern Europe before and after 2022“, Leipzig, Deutschland.

(2023) Anthropological insights on land use and property reform in Eastern Europe. Vorlesung: Natürliche Ressourcen, Agrar- und Umweltpolitik I: Landmanagement, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; (2023) Ethnographic perspectives on well-being and place attachment in rural Moldova. XXIXth European Society for Rural Sociology Congress Crises and the futures of rural areas, Rennes, Frankreich.

(2023) Understanding crises and transformations in Moldovan winemaking through the lens of labour and workers’ livelihoods. Crises & Transformations. Actors, Politics and Strategies in Central and Southeastern Europe after 2008, Berlin, Deutschland.

; (2023) Ethnographic insights on well-being and place attachment in rural Moldova. International Scientific-Practical Conference "ECONOMIC GROWTH IN THE CONDITIONS OF GLOBALIZATION", Chisinau, Republik Moldau.

(2022) Nature’s Value: Evidencing a Moldovan Terroir through Scientific Infrastructures. American Anthropological Association (Panel: Infrastructures of Value: New and Historical Materialities of Food and Farming), Seattle, USA.

(2022) Book Presentation ‘Wine is our Bread’. Chris Hann: Valedictory Lecture and Symposium, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/Saale, Germany.

(2022) Wine is Our Bread: Labour and Value in Moldovan Winemaking. GARD Online Book Launch, New Europe College, Bucharest, Romania.

(2022) Sovereign ‘everyday' wine and the quiet resistance to industrial winemaking in the Republic of Moldova. Baltic Summer School of Anthropology (Global-to-Local Food Chains: Food Sovereignty and Climate Change), Cesis, Latvia.

(2021) Labour force reproduction in a Moldovan winemaking village. Economic Anthropology Workshop: Exploring Value In Wine, Southampton University/online, UK.

(2020) Gifts that pay for themselves. Roundtable: Wine & The Gift, Massey University/online, New Zealand.

(2020) Nature' and Infrastructure: Articulating Terroir in a Moldovan Winery. 16th EASA Biennial Conference New anthropological horizons in and beyond, Virtual Lisbon Conference, Portugal.

(2019) Work-Rhythms and the Experience of Time for Workers in a Moldovan Winery. Workshop: Key Issues in the Anthropology of Labour in the Context of Flexible Capitalism (EASA Anthropology of Labor Network and Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology), Amsterdam, Netherlands.

(2019) Soils, Yeasts and Other Wine Things: Re-Creating Value in a Moldovan Winery. Workshop: Consuming the Unique: Food, Art and the Globalizing Infrastructures of Value, CEU, Budapest, Hungary.

(2018) House Wine of Moldova: The Problem with Heritage. Vienna Anthropology Days, Vienna, Austria.

(2018) Moving Markets: Moldova's Wine Sector Reform in the Aftermath of the Russian Economic Sanctions. 15th EASA Biennial Conference: Staying, Moving, Settling, Stockholm, Sweden.

(2014) Seeds as Ethnographic Objects. SASC 2014: 11th Annual Conference of the Romanian Society for Social and Cultural Anthropology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.