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Judith Möllers

Dr. Judith Möllers

Dr. Judith Möllers

Personal details

Publications and Presentations

Articles (peer-reviewed)

; ; ; ; (2023) Don’t look up! Individual income comparisons and subjective well-being of students in Thailand. Journal of Happiness Studies 24 (2): 477-503.

; ; ; ; (2022) Producer organisations in an export-oriented value chain: What motivates small-scale farmers in Kosovo to collaborate? European Countryside 14 (2): 379 - 396.

; ; (2022) Understanding the market potential of products from alternative food networks in a transition economy - A discrete choice experiment. British Food Journal 124 (13): 183-199.

; ; ; ; (2021) Why villagers stay put – A structural equation model on staying intentions. Journal of Rural Studies 81: 345-357.

; ; (2020) Measuring dynamic effects of remittances on poverty and inequality with evidence from Kosovo. Eastern European Economics 58 (4): 283-308.

; ; ; ; (2020) Return to the countryside: The return intentions of highly educated young people in the Akmola province of northern Kazakhstan. Population, Space and Place 26 (2): 1-14.

; ; (2020) Options for agricultural service cooperatives in a postsocialist economy: Evidence from Romania. Outlook on Agriculture 49 (1): 57-65.

; ; ; (2018) Why (not) cooperate? A cognitive model of farmers' intention to join producer groups in Romania. Post-Communist Economies 30 (1): 56-77.

; ; ; (2018) Remittance inflow and smallholder farming practices : The case of Moldova. Land Use Policy 70: 654-665.

; ; (2018) Go west? Emigration intentions of young Bulgarian agricultural specialists. Journal of Rural Studies 62: 134-145.

; ; ; (2017) Exit or voice? The recent drivers of Kosovar out-migration. International Migration 55 (3): 173-186.

; ; ; (2017) Corruption perceptions and entrepreneurial intentions in a transitional context : the case of rural Bulgaria. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship 22 (3): 1-21.

; ; ; ; (2015) Cognitive constructs and the intention to remit. Journal of Development Studies 51 (10): 1341-1357.

; (2014) The effects of migration on poverty and inequality in rural Kosovo. IZA Journal of Labour and Development 3 (16): 1-18.

; (2014) Community Supported Agriculture: a promising pathway for small family farms in Eastern Europe? A case study from Romania. Landbauforschung : Applied Agricultural and Forestry Research 64 (3/4): 139-150.

; ; (2012) Social Networks and Rural Development: LEADER in Romania. Sociologia Ruralis 52 (4): 398-432.

; ; (2012) Who remits more? Who remits less? Evidence from Kosovar migrants living in Germany. Oxford Development Studies 40 (4): 443-466.

; ; (2011) Why Do We Need Networking for European Rural Development Policies? The implementation of LEADER and the National Network for Rural Development in Romania. EuroChoices 10 (2): 22-28.

; (2011) Effects of Rural Non-farm Employment on Household Welfare and Income Distribution of Small Farms in Croatia. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 50 (3): 217-235.

(2011) Effects of Rural Non-farm Employment on Poverty and Income Distribution: Evidence for Macedonia and Slovenia. Journal of Income Distribution 20 (2): 23-37.

; ; ; (2010) Croatia's Dairy Sector - Can it Compete in the European Market? International Advances in Economic Research 16 (2): 223-236.

; ; (2010) Does the EU LEADER Instrument Support Endogenous Development and New Modes of Governance in Romania?: Experiences from Elaborating an MCDA Based Regional Development Concept. International Journal of Rural Management 6 (2): 193-241.

; (2010) Individual farm exit decisions in Croatian family farms. Post-Communist Economies 22 (1): 119-128.

; (2009) Structural Change in Rural Croatia - Is Early Retirement An Option? International Advances in Economic Research 15 (1): 125-137.

; ; (2009) EU-wide networking: An instrumental valuable for European rural development policies in Romania? European Countryside 1 (4): 210-226.

; ; (2008) Farm and Non-farm Incomes of Rural Households in Slovenia - A Canonical Correlation Analysis. South East European Journal of Economics and Business 3 (2): 39-48.

; ; (2008) Expectations, Strategies and Prospects of Farmers in View of Croatia’s Pending EU Accession. International Advances in Economic Research 14 (4): 381-394.

Articles (non-peer-reviewed)

; (2022) Migration, Rücküberweisungen und Lebenszufriedenheit im ländlichen Kosovo. IAMO Jahreszahl 24: 33-42.

; (2022) Migration, remittances and well-being in Kosovo. IAMO Annual 24: 31-39.

; (2020) Social remittances als Motor des gesellschaftlichen Wandels im Kosovo. IAMO Jahreszahl 22: 66-74.

; (2020) Social remittances as an engine of social change in Kosovo. IAMO Annual 22: 62-69.

; ; (2019) Weichenstellung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung: Landwirtschaftliche Kleinstbetriebe im Transformationsprozess. IAMO Jahreszahl 21: 11-18.

; ; ; (2018) Wenn Migration unfreiwillig endet: Wie kann die Integration von Rückkehrern im Kosovo gelingen? IAMO Jahreszahl 20: 63-70.

; ; (2018) Cooperation among individual farmers in Romania: Constraints and options. Scientific Papers "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development" 18 (2): 489-492.

; (2017) Gemeinsam mit den Konsumenten: Solidarische Landwirtschaft in Mittel- und Osteuropa. IAMO Jahreszahl 19: 77-85.

; ; ; (2016) Exodus aus dem Kosovo: Was die Menschen zur Flucht treibt. IAMO Jahreszahl 18: 11-17.

; (2015) Zehn Jahre nach der Osterweiterung: Die Implementierung der EU-Agrarpolitik in den neuen Mitgliedstaaten - Eine Bilanz. IAMO Jahreszahl 17: 13-26.

; (2011) Strukturwandel in (Ost-)Europas ländlichen Regionen. OST-WEST. Europäische Perspektiven 12 (3): 174-183.

; ; (2009) Kroatiens geplanter EU-Beitritt: Sozioökonomische Analyse kleinstrukturierter landwirtschaftlicher Familienbetriebe und Politikempfehlungen. IAMO Jahreszahl 11: 29-35.

; (2009) Bestens vorbereitet und weich gelandet - Slowenien fünf Jahre nach dem EU-Beitritt. Bauernzeitung 50 (21): 19.

; (2009) Slowenische Bauern - schnell an die Öffnung der Märkte angepasst. Land und Forst 162 (35): 92-93.

; (2009) An offene Märkte schnell angepasst - Sloweniens Landwirtschaft fünf Jahre nach dem EU-Beitritt. Bayerisches Landwirtschaftliches Wochenblatt 199 (35): 61.

; (2009) An offene Märkte schnell angepasst - Sloweniens Landwirtschaft fünf Jahre nach dem Beitritt. Bayerisches Landwirtschaftliches Wochenblatt 199 (35)

; (2009) Slowenische Bauern - schnell an die Öffnung der Märkte angepasst. Land und Forst (35): 92-93.

; (2009) Slowenische Bauern - schnell an die Öffnung der Märkte angepasst. Land und Forst (35): 92-93.

; (2007) Einkommensicherung durch ländlichen Strukturwandel in der erweiterten EU. IAMO Jahreszahl 9: 19-24.


; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2022) Commercialization of smallholder farms in Kosovo. Budapest: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

Contributions to anthologies

; ; (2014) Post-communist rural entrepreneurship in Bulgaria. In: Henry, C., Mcelwee, G. (eds.): Exploring Rural Enterprise: New Perspectives on Research, Policy & Practice, Vol. 4, 193-214: Emerald.

; ; ; ; (2012) Patterns Behind Rural Success Stories in the European Union: Major Lessons of Former Enlargements. In: Wolz, A., Hubbard, C., Möllers, J., Gorton, G., Buchenrieder, G. (eds.): Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Band 68, 3-27: IAMO Eigenverlag.

; (2011) The Transformation of the Rural Economy in the New Member States of the European Union: Implications for Empirical Analyses of Rural Structural Change. In: Möllers, J., Buchenrieder, G., and C. Csaki (Hrsg.): Structural Change in Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods - Policy Implications for the New Member States of the European Union, Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Bd. 61, Halle (Saale): Leibniz-Institut für Agrarentwicklung in Mittel- und Osteuropa, 1-33: IAMO Eigenverlag.

; ; ; ; ; (2011) Rural Livelihoods in Transition: Structural Change beyond Agriculture. In: Möllers, J., Buchenrieder, G., and C. Csaki (Hrsg.): Structural Change in Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods - Policy Implications for the New Member States of the European Union, Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Bd. 61, Halle (Saale): Leibniz-Institut für Agrarentwicklung in Mittel- und Osteuropa, 110-130: IAMO Eigenverlag.

; (2011) Structural Change in Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods: Executive Summary of the SCARLED Project. In: Möllers, J., Buchenrieder, G., and C. Csaki (Hrsg.): Structural Change in Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods - Policy Implications for the New Member States of the European Union, Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Bd. 61, Halle (Saale): Leibniz-Institut für Agrarentwicklung in Mittel- und Osteuropa: IAMO Eigenverlag.

; ; (2009) The re­le­van­ce of so­ci­al net­works for im­ple­men­ting the LEA­DER pro­gram­me in Ro­ma­nia. In: Schaft, F., Bal­mann, A. (Hrsg.): Multi-level processes of integration and disintegration, Stu­dies on the Agri­cul­tu­ral and Food Sec­tor in Cen­tral and Eas­tern Eu­ro­pe, Vol. 52, Hal­le (Saa­le), IAMO, 99-112: IAMO Eigenverlag.

; ; ; (2008) Some conceptional thoughts on the impact of social networks on non-farm rural employment. In: Csaki, C., Forgacs, C. (Hrsg.): Agricultural economics in transition: What we expected, what we observed, the lessons learned. Vol II, Joint IAAE-EAAE Seminar, Budapest, September 6-8, 2007. Studies in the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Bd. 44, 453-464: IAMO Eigenverlag.

IAMO Policy Briefs

; ; ; (2017) Involuntary return migration to Kosovo: Tackling challenges for successful reintegration. IAMO Policy Brief No. 33, Halle (Saale).

; ; ; (2017) Wenn Migration unfreiwillig endet: Wie kann die Integration von Rückkehrern im Kosovo gelingen? IAMO Policy Brief No. 33, Halle (Saale).

; ; ; (2017) Migrimi i "Dështuar" dhe Kthimi Pavullnetshëm në Kosovë: Trajtimi i Sfidave për Riintegrim të Suksesshëm. IAMO Policy Brief No. 33, Halle (Saale).

; ; ; (2015) Mass exodus from Kosovo: How a struggling state loses its citizens. IAMO Policy Brief No. 24, Halle (Saale).

; ; ; (2015) Eksodi Kosovar: Si një shtet i ri në ndërtim po humbet shtetasit e tij. IAMO Policy Brief No. 24, Halle (Saale).

; ; ; (2015) Massenflucht aus dem Kosovo: Ein schlingernder Staat verliert seine Bürger. IAMO Policy Brief No. 24, Halle (Saale).

; ; (2011) Major lessons for the CAP reform from the New Mem­ber Sta­tes' per­spec­tive. IAMO Policy Brief No. 3, Hal­le (Saa­le).

IAMO Discussion Papers

; ; ; (2022) An analysis of farm support measures in the Republic of Moldova. IAMO Discussion Paper No. 199, Halle (Saale): IAMO.

; ; ; (2017) Study on rural migration and return migration in Kosovo. IAMO Discussion Paper No. 166, Halle (Saale): IAMO.

; (2014) Community Supported Agriculture. Is it driven by economy or solidarity? IAMO Discussion Paper No. 144, Halle (Saale): IAMO.
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; ; ; (2013) A socio-economic picture of Kosovar migrants and their origin farm households. IAMO Discussion Paper No. 140, Halle (Saale): IAMO.
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; ; (2011) Employment diversification of farm households and structural change in the rural economy of the New Member States. IAMO Discussion Paper No. 134, Halle (Saale): IAMO.

; ; (2008) Does non-farm income diversification in northern Albania offer an escape from rural poverty? IAMO Discussion Paper No. 119, Halle (Saale): IAMO.
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; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2007) Conceptual framework for analysing structural change in agriculture and rural livelihoods. IAMO Discussion Paper No. 113, Halle (Saale): IAMO.
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IAMO Studies

; ; ; ; (2012) Patterns Behind Rural Success Stories in the European Union: Major Lessons of Former Enlargements. Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 68, Halle (Saale): IAMO.

; ; (2011) Structural Change in Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods: Policy implications for the new member states of the European Union. Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 61, Halle (Saale): IAMO.

; (2009) Structural change in Europe´s rural regions. Farm livelihoods between subsistence orientation, modernisation and non-farm diversification. Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 49, Halle (Saale): IAMO.

; ; ; ; (2009) Croatia´s EU accession socio-economic assessment of farm housholds and policy recommendations. Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 48, Halle (Saale): IAMO.

(2006) Außerlandwirtschaftliche Diversifikation im Transformationsprozess - Diversifikationsentscheidungen und -strategien ländlicher Haushalte in Slovenien und Mazedonien. Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 35, Halle (Saale): IAMO.

Further Publications

; (2022) From social to intangible remittances: A conceptual recalibration. SCMR Working Papers Series, Sussex.

; ; (2021) Measuring dynamic effects of remittances on poverty and inequality with evidence from Kosovo. IAAE.

; ; ; ; (2021) What motivates commercial small-scale farmers to collaborate? Modelling the intention to join a producer organisation. IAAE.

; ; ; (2021) The best practices and potential of smallholders’ participation in short value chains in the Western Balkans and Turkey. JRC Technical Report, Luxembourg.

; ; ; ; (2020) Commercialization of Smallholder Farms in Kosovo. 0

; ; ; (2016) Structural transformation of Moldovan smallholder agriculture: Implications for poverty reduction and shared prosperity. World Bank.

; ; ; (2010) Putting All the Eggs in one Basket? Diversification Strategies in Rural Eastern Europe. Proceedings of the 118th EAAE Seminar: Rural development: governance, policy design and delivery (CD). Luka Juvancic.

; ; (2010) Non-farm Income diversification of rural farm households in Central and South-eastern Europe: An application of fuzzy set theory. Proceedings of the 118th EAAE Seminar: Rural development: governance, policy design and delivery (CD). Luka Juvancic.

; (2010) Evaluating the implementation process of LEADER in Romania. Proceedings of the 118th EAAE Seminar: Rural development: governance, policy design and delivery (CD). Luka Juvancic.

; ; ; (2010) The determinants of remitting of Albanian migrants in Germany to farm households in Albania and Kosovo. Riinvest Institute and AAB- RIINVEST University.



; ; ; (2010) The Contribution of Migration to Poverty Reduction in Rural Households in Kosovo. World Bank.

; ; (2010) How Farmers Become Entrepreneurs - Prenatal Diagnostic of Rural Firms in Bulgaria. Proceedings of the 118th EAAE Seminar: Rural development: governance, policy design and delivery (CD). Luka Juvancic.

; ; (2009) EU-wide networking: an instrumental valuable for European rural development policies in Romania? Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry Brno, Slovakia.

; ; ; (2007) Some conceptual thoughts on the impact of social networks on non-farm rural employment. 104th (joint) EAAE-IAAE Seminar Agricultural Economics and Transition: What we expected, what we observed, the lessons learned, Budapest / Ungarn, 6.-8.9.2007. (CD). IAAE-EAAE.


; ; ; (2023) Receiving remittances and subjective well-being in Moldova. Rennes, Frankreich, 29.08.2023 - 01.09.2023.

; (2022) Remittance scripts and rural return in a patriarchic society. Tutzing, Deutschland, 03.10.2022 - 07.10.2022.

; ; ; (2017) The socio-economic challenges of Return Migration in Kosovo. Piacenza, Italien, 15.06.2017 - 16.06.2017.

; ; (2017) Remittance scripts and the traditional rural household in Opoja (Kosovo). Piacenza, Italien, 15.06.2017 - 16.06.2017.

; ; (2015) Going international? Labor migration intentions among senior agricultural students in Bulgaria. Sofia, Bulgarien, 07.10.2015 - 08.10.2015.

; ; (2014) Peculiarities of emerging rural entrepreneurship in a post-socialist economy. Ljubljana, Slowenien, 26.08.2014 - 29.08.2014.

; ; (2012) How Farmers Become Entrepreneurs – Prenatal Diagnostic of Rural Firms in Bulgaria. Foz do Iguaçu, Brasilien, 18.08.2012 - 24.08.2012.

; (2010) How can the CAP address small farms in order to promote structural change? Berlin, Deutschland, 15.04.2010 - 16.04.2010.

; ; (2009) Non-farm Entrepreneurial Intentions among Farmers in Rural Bulgaria. Beijing, China, 16.08.2009 - 22.08.2009.

; ; (2008) Patterns and determinants of international migration in Northern Albania. Ghent, Belgien, 26.08.2008 - 29.08.2008.

; (2006) Systematic policy decisions on direct income payments in agricultural policies. Brisbane, Australien, 12.08.2006 - 18.08.2006.

; (2006) A systhesis of theoretical concepts for analysing non-farm rural employment. Brisbane, Australien, 12.08.2006 - 18.08.2006.


; ; (2023) Intangible remittance transfer to rural Kosovo: Between mistrust and innovation. TraFFF Second Thematic Workshop - Migrant Entrepreneurs in Kosovo and Serbia: Tracing Trust and Innovation, Frankfurt (Oder), Deutschland.

; ; ; (2023) Receiving remittances and subjective wellbeing in Moldova. XVII Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) “Agri-food systems in a changing world: Connecting science and society”, Rennes, Frankreich.

; ; ; (2023) The COVID-19 pandemic, individual reference groups and subjective well-being. 21st ISQOLS Annual Conference "Towards a People-First Economy: A World to Win", Rotterdam, Niederlande.

; ; (2023) (In)tangible remittances: Acquisition, transmission, reception. TraFFF First Thematic Workshop - Migration and Development: Between Wishful Thinking and Practical Results, Belgrad, Republik Serbien.

; ; (2023) Urban and rural return migrants as agents of change: The patterns of intangible remittance transfer in Kosovo. Mobilities, land use and ecological crises in Europe’s peripheries, Hosman, Rumänien.

; (2022) Can I change my home country for the better? A case study on female return migration to Kosovo. Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay: The Consequences of Emigration for Sending Countries, Cambridge (online), Großbritannien.

; ; (2022) The role of youth in agriculture and rural development in the Western Balkans. IAMO Forum 2022 "Enhancing resilience in a post-pandemic era: challenges and opportunities for rural development", Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; (2022) The transformative power of migration: The case of highly skilled female return migrants in Kosovo. International Academic Week 2022: Return Migration and its Consequences in Southeastern Europe, Tutzing, Deutschland.

; ; (2021) Does migration pay off? Evidence on the effects of remittances on poverty and income inequality in Kosovo. Warsaw Economic Seminars, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw, Polen.

; ; (2021) Measuring dynamic effects of remittances on poverty and inequality with evidence from Kosovo. 31st Virtual ICAE 2021, Neu Delhi / Online, Indien.

; ; (2021) ‘Kshtu Është Vendi’ (So is the Tradition): Social embeddedness of remittance behavior in Opoja, Kosovo. The 28th Colloquium of the International Geographical Union Commission on the Sustainability of Rural Systems. Rural on the Move: Transitions, Transformations, Mobilities and Resistance, Zagreb, Kroatien.

; ; ; (2021) Farmers’ preferences towards extension services: Insights from a Discrete Choice Experiment. XVI EAAE Virtual Congress "Raising the Impact of Agricultural Economics: Multidisciplinarity, Stakeholder Engagement and Novel Approaches, Prag / Online, Tschechische Republik.

; ; ; ; (2021) What motivates commercial small-scale farmers to collaborate? Modelling the intention to join a producer organisation. 31st Virtual ICAE 2021, Neu Delhi / Online, Indien.

; ; ; (2021) To whom do we compare ourselves? Empirical evidence on reference individuals from a student survey. BeWell Meeting 2021 : 2nd annual workshop on well-being research, Online, Deutschland.

; (2021) From social to intangible remittances: A refined concept with evidence from Kosovo. 18th IMISCOE Annual Conference, Online / Luxemburg, Luxemburg.

; ; (2021) Return migrants as agents of change? A comparative perspective on intangible remittance transfer in urban and rural Kosovo. The 28th Colloquium of the International Geographical Union Commission on the Sustainability of Rural Systems. Rural on the Move: Transitions, Transformations, Mobilities and Resistance, Zagreb, Kroatien.

; (2021) How female returnees change Kosovo: A case study on intangible remittance transfer. 2nd Mirnet Conference "New Dynamics of East-West Migration and Migrant Integration Within Europe and Beyond", Brighton, Großbritannien.

; ; (2021) Options for agricultural service cooperatives in a post-socialist economy: Evidence from Romania. XVI EAAE Virtual Congress "Raising the Impact of Agricultural Economics: Multidisciplinarity, Stakeholder Engagement and Novel Approaches, Prag / Online, Tschechische Republik.

; ; ; (2020) Less direct payments for an improved extension service?: Insights from a Discrete Choice Experiment. Envisioning the Future of Extension, Washington D.C., USA.

; (2020) Is there a demand for vegetables from alternative food chains in Romania? A discrete choice analysis of consumer preferences. 14th International European Forum (Igls-Forum*) (176th EAAE Seminar) on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Deutschland.

; (2020) Return migrants as agents of change: A new framework on intangible remittance transfer with evidence from Kosovo. 17th IMISCOE Annual Conference, Online, Luxemburg.

(2020) Short food supply and value chains in the Western Balkans and Turkey. Agricultural Policy Forum 2020: Agriculture and rural development policy in the Western Balkans in times of pandemic, Prishtina (online), Republik Kosovo.

; ; ; (2019) Farmers` preferences towards extension services. Insights from a Discrete Choice Experiment in Kosovo. IAMO Forum 2019 "Small farms in transition: How to stimulate inclusive growth", Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; (2019) Understanding informal cooperation among smallholder farms - the case of Kosovo. IAMO Forum 2019 "Small farms in transition: How to stimulate inclusive growth", Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; ; ; (2019) Who do we compare ourselves to? Survey evidence on reference individuals. 17th annual conference of The International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS), Granada, Spanien.

; ; (2018) International Migration and Community Wellbeing: a mixed methods approach. International Conference on Agriculture and Life Sciences “ICOALS”, Tirana, Albanien.

; ; (2018) Social structures and rural households’ use of remittances: a qualitative case study from highland Kosovo. International Conference on Migrations, Development and Citizenship, Roskilde, Dänemark.

; ; (2018) What hinders the commercialization of semi-subsistence farms in Kosovo? Farmers' narratives. Policy Increased Efficiency and Effectiveness of Kosovo Agricultural Policy to Benefit the Commercialisation of Small and Family Farmers, Canterbury, Großbritannien.

; ; ; (2018) Why smallholders join cooperatives - the case of Kosovar raspberry producers. World Food Day Colloquium 2018 "Cooperatives: essential for food security?!", Stuttgart, Deutschland.

(2018) Commercialisation of smallholder farms in Kosovo - Preliminary results from the project survey. Policy Increased Efficiency and Effectiveness of Kosovo Agricultural Policy to Benefit the Commercialisation of Small and Family Farmers, Canterbury, Großbritannien.

(2018) Rural Depopulation in Southeastern Europe. Agricultural Policy Forum 2018 - Agricultural Policy: Determinant of the Regional Rural Development and EU Perspectives of the SEE, Jahorina, Bosnien-Herzegowina.

; ; (2018) Cooperation among individual farmers in Romania: Constraints and options. Agriculture for Life, Life for Agriculture, Bukarest, Rumänien.

; ; (2018) Options and constraints of cooperation among farmers in a post-socialist setting: First findings from Romania. Cooperatives in a rapidly changing world: innovation in enterprise and community, Wageningen, Niederlande.

; ; (2018) Prospects of cooperation among individual farmers in a post-socialist economy: The case of Romania. 8th International Conference on Economics and Management of Networks (EMNet), Havanna, Kuba.

; (2017) Final Report Presentation "Rural Migration in Kosovo". Final Report Presentation of the Study "Rural Migration in Kosovo", Prishtina, Republik Kosovo.

(2017) Study on Migration in Rural Kosovo. Inception Meeting GIZ Study on Rural Migration in Kosovo, Pristina, Republik Kosovo.

; ; (2017) Farmers' intentions for cooperation in post-socialist economies: Findings from a comparative analysis in Romania and Armenia. New Strategies for Co-operatives: Understanding and Managing Co-operative Creation, Transition and Transformation, Stirling, Großbritannien.

; ; ; (2017) Remittance inflow and farming practices of recipient households. The case of Moldova. 6th AIEAA Conference, Piacenza, Italien.

; ; (2016) Estimating the Impact of Migration and Remittances on Household Income Distribution and Poverty: Evidence from Rural Kosovo. IAMO Forum 2016: Rural Labor in Transition, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; (2016) Modes of Value in Community Supported Agriculture in Eastern Europe. World Congress of Rural Sociology ‘Sustainable and Just Rural Transitions: Connections and Complexities’, Toronto, Kanada.

; (2016) Relationship between Commuting and Community-level Social Capital: Evidence from Rural Czech Republic. IAMO Forum 2016: Rural Labor in Transition, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; ; ; ; (2016) Farm diversification in Albania – has it a potential to reduce rural unemployment? IAMO Forum 2016: Rural Labor in Transition, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; ; ; (2016) Entrepreneurial intentions in the shadow of corruption: Empirical evidence from three rural regions in Bulgaria. 32nd EGOS Colloquium - Organizing in the Shadow of Power, Naples, Italien.

; ; ; (2016) Entrepreneurial intentions in the shadow of corruption: Empirical evidence from three rural regions in Bulgaria. 153 EAAE Seminar "New dimensions of market power and bargaining in the agri-food sector", Gaeta, Italien.

; ; ; (2016) Remittances and agricultural change: On-farm investments of Moldovan migrants. IAMO Forum 2016: Rural Labor in Transition, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; ; (2016) Go West? Emigration intentions of young agricultural specialists in Bulgaria. IAMO Forum 2016: Rural Labor in Transition, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; (2016) Willingness to Cooperate: Are farmers motivated enough to join agricultural cooperatives in Armenia? New Strategies for Co-operatives: Understanding and Managing Co-operative Creation, Transition and Transformation, Almería, Spanien.

; ; ; (2015) Why not cooperate? Modelling cognitive determinants of farmers' motivation to join producer groups in Romania. 29th International Conference of Agricultural Economists: Agriculture in an interconnected world, Mailand, Italien.

; ; ; (2015) Agricultural producer groups - Intention formation, success and failure: some findings from Romania. 7th International Conference on Economics and Management of Network (EMNet), Kapstadt, Südafrika.

; ; ; (2015) Corruption Perceptions and Entrepreneurial Intentions in a Transition Economy Context: Empirical Evidence from Bulgaria. CYRUS Institute of Knowledge Conference 2015, Cambridge, Massachusets, USA.

; ; ; (2015) Non-farm start-up intentions and corruption perception in transition economies. Joint International Scientific Conference Agrarian Perspectives XXIV. and 25th Annual Conference of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics "Global Agribusiness and the Rural Economy", Prag, Tschechische Republik.

; ; ; (2015) Corruption Perceptions and Entrepreneurial Intentions : A Focus on Emerging Economies. GSOM Emerging Markets Conference-2015: Business and Government Perspectives, St. Petersburg, Russland.

; (2014) Community Supported Agriculture in Romania. Solidarity partnerships as viable innovations for small farms? 14th Congress of European Association of Agricultural Economists "Agri-Food and Rural Innovations for Healthier Societies", Ljubljana, Slowenien.

; ; ; (2014) Bribing culture and rural start-up plans in transition: evidence from Bulgaria. 14th Congress of European Association of Agricultural Economists "Agri-Food and Rural Innovations for Healthier Societies", Ljubljana, Slowenien.

; (2014) Corruption perception and entrepreneuiral intentions in transition. ISBE Conference 2014, Manchester, Großbritannien.

; ; (2013) The EU's Technical Assitance Funds for Rural Development: a good Idea with Insufficient Conceptual Framework? Experiences from Romania. 87th Agricultural Economics Society conference, Warwick, Großbritannien.

; ; (2013) Cognitive constructs and the intention to remit. Are norms the key to explaining remitting behaviour of Kosovar migrants in Germany? IATRC 2013 Annual Meeting "Trade and Labor Market Impacts", Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA.

; ; (2013) Rural entrepreneurs in Bulgaria. ISBE Conference 2013, Cardiff, Großbritannien.

; ; (2012) Translating participatory integrated planning approaches into practice - Experiences from elaborating an MCDA based Regional Development Concept. Celebrating Community: Sustaining Community through Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Cincinnati, USA.

; ; (2012) A behavioural approach to remittances analysis. 28th International Conference of Agricultural Economists: The Global Bio-economy, Foz do Iguaçu, Brasilien.

; (2011) Strukturwandel in (Ost-)Europas ländlichen Regionen. 15. Internationaler Kongress Renovabis "Ländliche Räume im Umbruch - Herausforderungen in Mittel- und Osteuropa", Freising, Deutschland.

; (2010) AgriPolicy - a network for agricultural policy analysis. European Agricultural Policies - Going Global, Rom, Italien.

; ; (2010) Non-farm income diversification of rural farm households in Central and South-eastern Europe: An application of fuzzy set theory. 118th EAAE Seminar on Rural development: Governance, policy design and delivery, Ljubljana, Slowenien.

; ; (2010) Diversification of farm households. Abschlussveranstaltung SCARLED, Brüssel, Belgien.

; (2010) Evaluating the implementation process of LEADER in Romania. 118th EAAE Seminar on Rural development: Governance, policy design and delivery, Ljubljana, Slowenien.

; ; ; (2010) The determinants of remitting of Albanian migrants in Germany to farm households in Albania and Kosovo. Activating the sources of economic growth in Kosovo, Prishtina, Republik Kosovo.

; ; ; ; (2010) Remitting from Germany to Kosovo - An empirical study based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour. World Bank Conference on Poverty and Social Inclusion in the Western Balkans, Brussels, Belgien.

; ; ; (2010) A SOCIO-ECONOMIC PICTURE OF MIGRANTS FROM RURAL KOSOVO IN GERMANY. Activating the sources of economic growth in Kosovo, Prishtina, Republik Kosovo.

(2010) SCARLED - research highlights. Meeting of the Advisory Group on Rural Development, Brüssel, Belgien.

; ; ; (2010) The Contribution of Migration to Poverty Reduction in Rural Households in Kosovo. World Bank Conference on Poverty and Social Inclusion in the Western Balkans, Brussels, Belgien.

; ; (2010) How farmers become entrepreneurs - prenatal diagnostic of rural firms in Bulgaria. 118th EAAE Seminar on Rural development: Governance, policy design and delivery, Ljubljana, Slowenien.

; ; ; (2009) Croatia's Dairy Sector - Can it Compete in the Single European Market? 67th International Atlantic Economic Conference, Rom, Italien.

; ; (2009) The relevance of social networks for the implementation of LEADER in Romania. MACE Conference 2009: Multi-Level Processes of Integration and Disintegration, Berlin, Deutschland.

; ; (2009) The relevance of social networks for the implementation of the LEADER programme in Romania. 67th International Atlantic Economic Conference, Rom, Italien.

; (2009) Effects of Rural Non-Farm Employment on Economic Vulnerability and Income Distribution of Small Farms in Croatia. 111th EAAE-IAAE Seminar: Small farms: Decline or Persistence?, Canterbury, Großbritannien.

; ; (2009) Non-farm entrepreneurial intentions among farmers in rural Bulgaria. 68th International Atlantic Economic Conference, Boston, USA.

; ; (2009) Rücküberweisungen aus Deutschland nach Kosovo: Hintergründe und Wirkungen. 48. Internationale Hochschulwoche, Tutzing, Deutschland.

; ; ; (2008) Competitiveness of Croatia's Agricultural Sector with special Emphasis on Dairy Farms. GTZ-Projekt Kroatien: Croatia's EU accession and its socio-economic implication for farm households, 4. Projektmeeting, Zagreb, Kroatien.

; ; ; (2008) Competitiveness of Croatia's Dairy Sector in View of the Pending EU Accession. XII Congress of the EAAE: People, Food and Environments: Global Trends and European Strategies, Ghent, Belgien.

(2007) First results on a farm household survey in Croatia and Slovenia. Interim Meeting GTZ Projekt "Croatia's EU Accession...", Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; (2007) Structural change in rural Croatia - Is early retirement an option? 64th International Atlantic Economic Conference, Savannah (Georgia), USA.

; ; (2007) Expectations, strategies and prospects of farmers in view of Croatia's pending EU accession. 64th International Atlantic Economic Conference, Savannah (Georgia), USA.

; ; (2006) Non-farm diversification decisions of rural households in Macedonia. 26th Conference of the IAAE, Brisbane, Australien.

; ; (2006) Croatia's EU accession and its socio-economic implications for farm households. Projekttreffen des Projekts: Croatia's EU accession and its socio-economic implications for farm households, Zagreb, Kroatien.