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Mission Statement & Main Tasks

Mission Statement

The Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO) is unique in its approach to basic and applied research on international agricultural development. Academic originality and social relevance, as well as compliance with national and international standards for the promotion of young researchers and good scientific practice, form important guidelines for research.

Mission statement of IAMO (Pdf)

IAMO leaflet (Pdf)

Main tasks


IAMO is an agro-economic institute with an international focus and is engaged in fundamental and application-oriented research. Its research fields comprise analyses of agricultural policy framework conditions and arrangement options, markets in the agricultural and food sector as well as development of enterprises and structures in rural areas. Farm management and agricultural policy decisions as well as market processes also influence human-environment relations in rural areas. The scientific work of the institute is organized in six thematic complexes:

  • Designing appropriate regulatory frameworks and institutions
  • Creating resilient agricultural systems
  • Reduction of and adaptation to environmental risks
  • Fostering sustainable rural livelihoods in the age of migration
  • Securing the world’s food supply and competitive supply chains
  • Diffusion of innovations and knowledge

On the basis of the principles for self-monitoring in science by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the guidelines established by the Leibniz Association regarding this, IAMO has established rules of good scientific practice. The "Rules of Good Scientific Practice" details these rules, the procedure for their implementation and a catalogue of conduct that is regarded as misconduct.

The IAMO Research Data Management (RDM) guideline explains research data management workflows to be followed by all IAMO researchers and those colleagues involved in their implementation, particularly in support.

Scientific exchange

IAMO directs its research findings to the academic community as well as political and economic decision-makers, international organizations and the public at large. The institute promotes international networking of research and dialog between academia, politics and business. IAMO organizes international conferences, seminars and workshops to enhance scholarly exchange. The annually-held IAMO Forum plays an outstanding role in this context.

Promotion of young researchers

One core task of the institute is qualifying national and international junior researchers with a special focus on promoting scientists from its partner countries. IAMO supports doctoral theses and habilitation projects and assigns subjects for master, diploma and bachelor theses. Doctoral researchers at the institute are systematically supported by the IAMO Graduate School and have the opportunity of distinguishing themselves through research residences abroad. The institute also invites outstanding junior scientists to pursue their research interests during visiting fellowships at IAMO.

IAMO activities, inter alia through teaching, are closely linked to the Institute for Agricultural and Food Sciences and the Economic Sciences Department of Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg.