Department Structural Change
Structural Development of Farms and Rural Areas
This department researches process complexities of agrarian structural change. Special focus is placed on inherent dynamics, influencing factors and effects, which are analyzed on various analytical levels by means of a broad array of methodical instruments.
Research subjects are, firstly, the development of enterprises in the agricultural and food sector, including their strategies and organization. Secondly, the effects that changing framework conditions such as agricultural policies have on agricultural businesses and structural change are analyzed. Thirdly, institutional economics and system theory questions relating to the role of nonprofit organizations and civil society engagement in the agricultural and food sector are investigated. A fourth focus is on interdependencies between the environment, resources, structural change and growth, in which context the changes of land use are studied or agricultural production potentials are assessed.
The department’s key methodical competencies are in the field of computational economics, particularly agent-based modeling. Further methodological expertise has been developed in spatial econometry, data mining, econometric methods, as well as productivity and efficiency analyses.
Latest publications of the department
Ayrapetyan, David; Befort, Nicolas; Hermans, Frans (2025) From local markets to global legitimacy: A materialization perspective on technological innovation system's dynamics. Research Policy 54 (1): .
Iermakova, Olga; Zhuvahina, Iryna; Metelytsia, Volodymyr; Dmytryshyn, Roman (2024) Conceptual principles of ecologically safe development of aquaculture. In: 4th International Conference on Environmental Sustainability in Natural Resources Management 2024 (ISCES 2024) 31/10/2024 - 31/10/2024 Online (IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science , Vol. 1429), : IOP Publishing.
Gagalyuk, Taras (2024) Звіт зі сталого розвитку та інвестицій в аграрному секторі економіки України (на прикладі вирощування зернових і технічних культур) (Автор: В. Метелиця).: 212.
Appel, Franziska; Dong, Changxing; Heinrich, Florian; Njiru, Ruth; Pitson, Christine (2024) AgriPoliS DRL: An ODD-Protocol.
Appel, Franziska; Dong, Changxing; Heinrich, Florian; Njiru, Ruth; Pitson, Christine (2024) AgriPoliS: An ODD-Protocol (Update).
Gagalyuk, Taras (2024) Report on sustainable development and investments in the agricultural sector of Ukraine (an illustration for grain and industrial crop production) (Author: Volodymyr Metelytsia).: 193.
Gagalyuk, Taras (2024) Financing of resilience and reconstruction of the agricultural sector of Ukraine by international financial institutions and development agencies. Agro Policy Report, Kyiv.
Litvinov, Valentyn; Gagalyuk, Taras; Levkovych, Inna (2024) Auswirkungen des russischen Angriffskrieges auf den landwirtschaftlichen Arbeitsmarkt der Ukraine. Ukraine-Analysen (308): 10-17.
Hauff, Franziska; Gagalyuk, Taras (2024) Editorial: Über 1.000 Tage Angriffskrieg. Wohin geht es für die ukrainische Landwirtschaft? Ukraine-Analysen (308): 2.
Balmann, Alfons (2024) Die ukrainische Landwirtschaft und die EU: Passt das? Ukraine-Analysen (308): 3-9.
Prof. Dr. Alfons Balmann
Director of IAMO,
Head of Department Structural Change
Room: 140
Prof. Dr. Daniel Müller
Deputy Head of Department Structural Change,
Ombudsperson for Good Scientific Practice
Room: 239
Dr. Franziska Hauff
Deputy Head of Department Structural Change,
Scientific Coordinator IAMO Graduate School
Room: 137