Department Agricultural Markets
Agricultural Markets, Marketing and World Agricultural Trade
Based on the guideline "Towards well-functioning agricultural markets", the department’s research activities focus on problems relating to the functionality and coordination of markets along agrarian added-value chains in countries in economic transition. Analyses deal with development deficits in competitive coordination of markets, the increasing significance of transition economies in international agricultural markets, and challenges related to supplying the world’s population with high-quality foods. Research projects include analyses of price formation and competition as well as international trade structures via investigations of enterprise performance and adaptability, demand for health-related nutrition, and issues concerning the development of rural living conditions. A variety of quantitative methods based on micro-theory approaches are employed. Studies aim to enhance our understanding of economic decisions and resulting sectoral and macroeconomic consequences while simultaneously identifying undesired developments and deriving policy recommendations in order to improve the functionality of markets.
Latest publications of the department
Mao, Hui; Sun, Zhenkai; Chai, Anyuan; Fang, Lan; Shi, Chaoqian (2025) Extreme weather, agricultural insurance and farmer's climate adaptation technologies adoption in China. Ecological Economics 228
Melkadze, Ketevan; Götz, Linde; Svanidze, Miranda; Jamali Jaghdani, Tinoush (2024) Russia’s wheat exports: Recent structural changes and implications. Russian Analytical Digest (318): 2-10.
Jamali Jaghdani, Tinoush; Götz, Linde; Ghodsi, Mahdi (2024) Wheat trade between Russia and Iran: A discontinuous trend. Russian Analytical Digest (318): 19-26.
Zhang, Jian; Zhang, Xinyi; Li, Jiajia; Li, Houjian (2024) Revitalizing green process: Assessing corporate environmental performance in the wake of Yangtze River Major Conservation initiatives. Journal of Cleaner Production 449
Xu, Yalin; Zhang, Zhiwen; Ren, Yanjun; Yuan, Rong; Wang, Yanan; Li, Rui; Zhao, Shunan; Qiu, Lu (2024) Can carbon labels shift consumers towards sustainable food? Evidence from Chinese consumers. Sustainable Futures 8
Perekhozhuk, Oleksandr (2024) Concentration of Russian wheat exports to Egypt and Turkey: Evidence from the ports of Novorossiysk and Rostov. Russian Analytical Digest (318): 11-19.
Neubert, Magnus (2024) [Book Review] ‘Die Arbeiter sind im Sozialismus eingeschlafen...’ – Eigentum und Arbeit zwischen Sozialismus und Kapitalismus in Serbien. South East Europe Review (SEER): Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe 27 (1): 143–147.
Perekhozhuk, Oleksandr (2024) Konzentration der russischen Weizenexporte nach Ägypten und in die Türkei: Evidenzen aus den Exporten der Häfen Noworossijsk und Rostow. Russland-Analysen (455): 12-20.
Jamali Jaghdani, Tinoush; Götz, Linde; Ghodsi, Mahdi (2024) Weizenhandel zwischen Russland und dem Iran: ein unsteter Trend. Russland-Analysen (455): 21-28.
Li, Xiuqing; Mao, Hui; Fang, Lan (2024) The impact of rural human capital on household energy consumption structure: Evidence from Shaanxi Province in China. Sustainable Futures 8
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Thomas Glauben
Director of IAMO,
Head of Department Agricultural Markets
Room: 234