Babadjanova, Mashkhura; Bobojonov, Ihtiyor; Bekchanov, Maksud; Kuhn, Lena; Glauben, Thomas (2024) Can domestic wheat farming meet the climate change-induced challenges of national food security in Uzbekistan?International Journal of Water Resources Development 40 (3): 448-462.
Bilal, Muhammad; Jamali Jaghdani, Tinoush (2024) Barriers to the adoption of multiple agricultural innovations: Insights from Bt cotton, wheat seeds, herbicides and no-tillage in Pakistan. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 22 (1): .
Cechura, Lukás; Samoggia, Antonella; Jamali Jaghdani, Tinoush (2024) Concentration, market imperfections, and interbranch organization in the Italian processed tomato supply chain. Agricultural Economics 55 (4): 603-620.
Chen, Jiao; Ren, Yanjun; Glauben, Thomas; Li, Lei (2024) The effect of income distribution on diet-related environmental footprints: Evidence from urban China. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 68 (2): 483-502.
Dong, Jie; Ren, Yanjun; Glauben, Thomas (2024) Gospel or curse: The impact of religious beliefs on energy poverty in rural China. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11: .
Glauben, Thomas; Duric, Ivan (2024) BRICS: World heavyweight in agricultural trade. Intereconomics - Review of European Economic Policy 59 (3): 160-166.
Jänicke, Clemens; Müller, Daniel (2024) Revealing agricultural land ownership concentration with cadastral and company network data. Agriculture and Human Values: .
Khodjaev, Shovkat; Kuhn, Lena; Bobojonov, Ihtiyor; Glauben, Thomas (2024) Combining multiple UAV-based indicators for wheat yield estimation, a case study from Germany. European Journal of Remote Sensing 57 (1): .
Kryshtal, Halyna; Tomakh, Victoriia; Ivanova, Tetiana; Metelytsia, Volodymyr; Yermolaieva, Maryna; Panin, Yevgen (2024) Eco-innovative transformation of the urban infrastructure of Ukraine on the way to post-war recovery. Financial and Credit Activity: Problems of Theory and Practice 2 (55): 391-408.
Schiller, Josepha; Jänicke, Clemens; Reckling, Moritz; Ryo, Masahiro (2024) Higher crop rotational diversity in more simplified agricultural landscapes in Northeastern Germany. Landscape Ecology 39 (4): .
Schultz, Felix Carl; Valentinov, Vladislav; Reinhardt, Robert; Pies, Ingo (2024) The circular economy rebound effect: Reconceptualizing rebound approaches and mitigation opportunities from an ordonomic perspective. Journal of Industrial Ecology 28 (3): 374-385.
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