IAMO Council of Doctoral Researchers
About 50 scientists are currently doing their doctorates at IAMO. They have their own elected representation, the IAMO Council of Doctoral Researchers. The IAMO Council of Doctoral Researchers represents the interests of all doctoral researchers at IAMO. The goals are to strengthen the rights and opportunities of doctoral researchers at the Institute and foster exchange between them.


The Council of Doctoral Researchers organises regular meetings of doctoral researchers, where they discuss issues related to doctoral researchers life at IAMO and in Halle (Saale). Key topics include working consitions at IAMO, the enrolment at the university, the choice of doctoral researchers courses, examination procedures and career opportunities. The Council of Doctoral Researchers cooperates with different interest groups at IAMO (Staff Council, Equality Opportunities Commissioner, Graduate School Coordinator, etc.).
The IAMO Council of Doctoral Researchers is also active in the Leibniz PhD Network which represents the interests of doctoral researchers at the level of the Leibniz Association and promotes exchange among doctoral researchers candidates of different Leibniz Institutes. If you are interested to participate in the work of the network, please let us know.
Please know that if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact the Council of Doctoral Researchers via e-mail at PhDcouncil(at)iamo.de or call/visit us personally.
Election and Members
Once in a year, all doctoral researchers at IAMO elect the members of the Council of Doctoral Researchers which usually consists of a spokesperson and a deputy spokesperson for each research department. The current Council of Doctoral Researchers consists of: