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; ; (2020) Technological differences, theoretical consistency, and technical efficiency: The case of Hungarian crop-producing farms. Sustainability 12 (3): 1-17.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2020) Declining human pressure and opportunities for rewilding in the steppes of Eurasia. Diversity and Distributions 26 (9): 1058-1070.
; ; ; (2020) How sources of agriculture information shape the adoption of reduced tillage practices? Journal of Rural Studies 79: 88-101.
; ; ; ; (2020) Return to the countryside: The return intentions of highly educated young people in the Akmola province of northern Kazakhstan. Population, Space and Place 26 (2): 1-14.
; ; (2020) Scarce water resources and cereal import dependency: The role of integrated water resources management. Water 12 (6)
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2020) Annual Landsat time series reveal post-Soviet changes in grazing pressure. Remote Sensing of Environment 239
; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2020) Post-Soviet land-use change affected fire regimes on the Eurasian steppes. Ecosystems 23 (5): 943-956.
; (2020) Aspekte der Agrarpolitik 2019. German Journal of Agricultural Economics 69 (Supplement): 1-19.
; ; ; ; (2020) Nach der Dürre ist vor der Dürre - Notkredite als sinnvolle staatliche Hilfe. Agra-Europe 61 (25): 1-6.
; ; ; ; ; ; (2020) Mapping the susceptibility of rainfall and earthquake triggered landslides along China-Nepal highways. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 79 (2): 587-601.
; (2020) Has technology increased agricultural yield risk? Evidence from the crop insurance biotech endorsement. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 102 (5): 1578-1597.
(2020) Spatial monopoly pricing under non-constant marginal costs. Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences 13 (1): 81-97.
; (2020) Prospects of agrarian populism and food sovereignty movement in post‐socialist Romania. Sociologia Ruralis 60 (4): 880-904.
; ; ; ; (2020) Can p-values be meaningfully interpreted without random sampling? Statistics Surveys 14: 71-91.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2020) Impacts of the EU's Common Agricultural Policy "Greening" reform on agricultural development, biodiversity, and ecosystem services. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 42 (4): 716-738.
; ; ; (2020) Agrarian vision, industrial vision, and rent-seeking: A viewpoint. Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics 33 (3-6): 391–400.
; ; ; ; (2020) The interrelationships between parental migration, home environment, and early child development in rural China: A cross-sectional study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 11 (17): 1-13.