The expansion of irrigation along the major floodplain rivers in Central Asia realized during the Soviet era resulted in an immense water withdrawal for agricultural purposes. The focus on cotton monoculture contributed to the desiccation of the Aral Sea, soil salinization, and desertification. Scientific projections indicate that climate change will reduce water supply and increase its volatility, thus aggravating the risks of agricultural production. Even so, agriculture has remained important in terms of employment, rural livelihoods, food security and government earnings and as such for the general economic development in all countries of the region.
Land and water reforms implemented after independence have the potential to affect prosperity, food security, regional economic cycles, and state stability. Though the countries moved towards more diversified development paths, new challenges appear such as farm efficiency, water management associated with new crop portfolios, the adoption of new technologies, the development of value chains, exports to international markets, and tackling the consequences of climate change.
The conference “Sustainable land and water management in dryland ecosystems in Central Asia” aims to identify the most pressing issues of agricultural development in Turkmenistan and discuss them in a context of regional and international experience. Moreover, the event shall provide a platform for engaging in mutual learning and inspiring new research directions and cooperation among the participants. IAMO supports this event in the framework of the AGRICHANGE project funded by the VolkswagenStiftung within the funding initiative "Between Europe and the Orient – A Focus on Research and Higher Education in/on Central Asia and the Caucasus". The group of co-organisers includes the Succow Stiftung Greifswald (Germany) and the National Institute of Deserts, Flora and Fauna under the Ministry of Nature Protection of Turkmenistan in Ashgabat (Turkmenistan).
“Sustainable land and water management in dryland ecosystems in Central Asia”
23 - 24 November 2017 ǀ Hotel Grand Turkmen ǀ Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
23 November 2017
Session 1: Conservation of tugai ecosystems along the Amu Darya river
Ecosystem based land and forest management of the tugai habitats of Amu Darya river for improved livelihood of local communities and as adaptation strategy to climate change. Karyyeva, S.
Ecosystem based land and forest management of the tugaihabitats of Amu Darya river for improved livelihood of local communities and as adaptation strategy to climate change. Sin, L.
Modern ecological state of the tugaiecosystem of Uzbekistan. Rajabov, T.
Tugai forests of the middle course of Amu Darya, their protection and reforestation. Sadykov, A.
Session 2: Increase of potential in sphere of sustainable use of tugaiecosystem
SPNA Visit-centre, as a centre of ecological education and enlightenment. Kan, Ye
Session 3: Practical aspects of sustainable using of Tugai ecosystem
Economic usefulness for forestation of degraded lands, the results of researches in Uzbekistan. Kudryavtseva, A.
Session 4: Perspectives of cooperation on tugai ecosystems conservation
Future perspectives of tugai forests conservation. The Planned Amu Darya project by ICI (International Climate Initiative) of Ministry of Germany on Environment, Nature Protection, Construction and Nuclear Safety (BMUB). Ashyrova, M.
24 November 2017
Session 1: Agricultural transformations and development of processing of food production
Agricultural restructuring in Central Asia. Petrick, M.
Economic, organizational-legal and other non-engineering waysof increase forefficiency of water use in irrigated cropping of Turkmenistan. Aganov, S., Kepbanov, Yo., Ovezmuradov, K.
Transformations of agricultural labour in Central Asia. Mukhamedova, N.
Session 2: Climate Change and Agricultural Risks
Anticipating the Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture in Central Asia. Müller, D.
Climate change influence on agriculture of Turkmenistan. Aganov, S., Aliev, T.
Climate change influence and role of agricultural insurance in Central Asia. Bobojonov, I.
Session 3: Land resources improvement and fertility of soils
Quality of irrigation assessment and drainage water and their influence on soil fertility. Ovezberdiyeva, A.
Fertility assessment of soil on pilot regions. Atamyradova, G.
Land Reforms in Transition: Kazakhstan‘s Experience. Kvartiuk, V.
Session 4: The water and pasture resources institutional reforming
Experimental evidence of water users cooperation in irrigation management in Central Asia. Amirova, I.
Self-organization experience of of farmers land and water resources management. Jumadurdiyev, O.
"Law of Turkmenistan on pastures" and animal husbandry development. Kepbanov, Yo.
Rational use of water resources - a pledge of ecological well-being. Hommadov, K.